CS Entertainment Christmas Light Display

It is that time of year again! The holiday season is upon us and that means another year of the CS Entertainment Christmas Light Display to raise funds for the Moody County Breadbasket!
Who: All proceeds go directly to the local food pantry, the Moody County Breadbasket, a non-profit organization in Moody County.
What: The CS Entertainment Christmas light display has been raising funds for the Moody County Breadbasket since 2017, and this year is the 8th year the show has lit up the community.
When: The light display will be "lit" starting Thanksgiving night and will run through the New Year, from approximately 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. every night. (Longer on weekends and the holidays.)
Where: The CS Entertainment Christmas Light Display is located East of the Colman-Egan School in Colman, SD, just across the street. Address: 118 S. Allen Ave.
How: You can pull up and tune your car radio to the FM channel 95.5 and listen to the music of the display from the comfort of your vehicle. We welcome any and all donations of any amount! You can donate in person at the light display by dropping your donation in the donation box
We look forward to bringing some light to the community during this time and giving back to a worthwhile cause that benefits people locally.
Thank you to everyone that donated to the CS Entertainment Christmas Light Display last year, especially from the Colman-Egan Public School FCCLA ($250), and $100 each from T&R Electric Supply Co. Inc., 34 Stop, Daktronics and Rosenbauer South Dakota. Together, we raised $1,100 for the Moody County Breadbasket! Lets exceed that amount this year!
Thank you for your support during this season of giving! Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Who: All proceeds go directly to the local food pantry, the Moody County Breadbasket, a non-profit organization in Moody County.
What: The CS Entertainment Christmas light display has been raising funds for the Moody County Breadbasket since 2017, and this year is the 8th year the show has lit up the community.
When: The light display will be "lit" starting Thanksgiving night and will run through the New Year, from approximately 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. every night. (Longer on weekends and the holidays.)
Where: The CS Entertainment Christmas Light Display is located East of the Colman-Egan School in Colman, SD, just across the street. Address: 118 S. Allen Ave.
How: You can pull up and tune your car radio to the FM channel 95.5 and listen to the music of the display from the comfort of your vehicle. We welcome any and all donations of any amount! You can donate in person at the light display by dropping your donation in the donation box
We look forward to bringing some light to the community during this time and giving back to a worthwhile cause that benefits people locally.
Thank you to everyone that donated to the CS Entertainment Christmas Light Display last year, especially from the Colman-Egan Public School FCCLA ($250), and $100 each from T&R Electric Supply Co. Inc., 34 Stop, Daktronics and Rosenbauer South Dakota. Together, we raised $1,100 for the Moody County Breadbasket! Lets exceed that amount this year!
Thank you for your support during this season of giving! Have a safe and happy holiday season!
2021 CS Entertainment Christmas Light Display
2020 CS Entertainment Christmas Light Display & Thank You Video